Triphala !!!

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Triphala !!!

Post by jennimiller »

Dear Doctor
i have been taking Triphala as advised by some friend to take it as laxative, so i have been taking it over many years now.
now i feel that the dose i used to take regularly is not enough do i increase the dose?

Dr.Sandip Sawant
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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by Dr.Sandip Sawant »

First of all i would like to tell you that Triphala is not only a Laxative but a very good Rasayan (Rejuvenator) or a general tonic if you take it in morning on empty stomach, which helps to improve health of your body tissues, hence don't look at Triphala as just a normal herbal Laxative.

Coming back to your question, yes the effect of Triphala as a laxative can be seen if you take it at night with hot water but if you tend to take it for long time then obviously it is not good as it increases dryness in your body because of which now you do not get the same effect with regular dose.And Ayurveda never says of taking any laxative on regular basis for long period hence you should not take any laxative for long without consulting Ayurvedic Physician

Also if you are of Vata constitution then it might be more problem as the dryness will be more.To counter act dryness you can add little Ghee to the combination.

Also i suggest you to go for a Basti Treatment which will bring your system to narmalcy.

Dr.Sandip Sawant

Dr. Rohit
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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by Dr. Rohit »

I appreciate your question,
I would say "anything when taken regularly your body gets used to it". so i would rather say dnt increase the dose as in future you will have to take increase more and more.
from now on take a little of olive oil or ghee as advised by Dr. Sandip , which will lubricate the intestines and thus help you.

even if you have to take it. Take it like a rasyana( rejuvenation) in mornings and as a laxative - at night with warm to hot water with days of break.
also avoid drying foods which causes more constipations and bloatings.

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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by Dmitry »

Dear Doctors ,

what does this Triphala contain? may be suppliments .
i have also heard about it a lot.?

Dr.Sandip Sawant
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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by Dr.Sandip Sawant »

Triphala is basically dried powder of three herbs(Tri means three, Phala means-fruits) namely Amalaki(Emblica officinalis), Haritaki(Terminalia Chebula) & Bhibhitaki(Terminalia Bellirica).

Triphala is basically a very good herbal medicinal supplement which means it is a pure herbal product, it has got medicinal effects on number of diseases & can be considered as food supplemet as it is a rich source of various vitamins & minerals.

Ultimately what Triphala does is it removes the toxins from the body tissues , increases immunity of the body tissues by providing necessary nutrients & facilitates proper body functioning at cellular level hence can be used by healthy person to maintain health & diseased person to get rid of the diseases.

Dr. Rohit
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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by Dr. Rohit »

I agree with Doctor Sandip.

well we could also add up saying -

triphala acts at cellular level. at the individual levels each herb acts like the following.
Terminalia belerica ( Bhibhitaki) - digests the excess toxins and ama along with the excess of free radicals which stimulate old age.
Terminalia chebula ( Haritaki ) acts like a mild purgative flushing the excess of toxins out from the cells.
Emblica officinalis (Amla)- gives rejuvenation action.

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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by matt_hadden »

Thank you Dr. Rohit and Dr. Sawant,
I learn more from your from than from searching on other websites. Keep up the good work.

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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by Tracey »

I am wondering how long it takes to see results for constipation when taking Triphala? Would appreciate any advice.
Thank you ..... :o)

Dr. Rohit
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Re: Triphala !!!

Post by Dr. Rohit »

Dear Tracey,
Usually after taking 1 to 1/2 tspn of triphala the results should be seen in about 6 to 18 hours. incase one still feels the problem of constipation then please contact us .
Our doctors could help you after studying your case.

Dr. Rohit

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Rashes from Ayurvedic Thailam

Post by GILLET Serge »

Dear Dr Rohit !

Greetings from Réunion island . I had a patient who came for Abhyanga last weekend and he told me that afterwards he had a skin rash on some parts of the front i.e the groin , around the waist , the chest and the biceps only , but not everywhere - which is to my mind strange !
When he got home , he had a shower and the following morning , it was ok !
I was wondering if he is allergic to Dhanwantharam Thailam ( as he is of vata type ) ...Why some precise , maybe more sensitive parts of the body , and not everywhere ?
Do you think that some people may be allergic to some oils ?
Do you think that a hot shower is required in this case to ward off any possible skin rash ?
Look forward to an answer .


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