
In this forum all questions regarding the detoxifying panchakarma Cure will be discussed.
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Post by ruedi »

Dear Dr. Rohit,
I send you many greetings from Switzerland.
I have questions concerning the detoxifying cure:
1. Why does this needs to be done?
2. Why do some patients get ghee and some patients enemas?

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Dr. Rohit
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Re: Detox

Post by Dr. Rohit »

Thanks for the greetings Reudi.

1. detox is important as it flushes and cleans the body . it also helps remove the free radicals and toxins collected in our body since long. this toxins could get accumulated over a time and cause health issues.

2. these detox programmes are called as panchakarma - 5 cleansing therapies.
depending on the type of dosha , health issue, etc this is advised from person to person..
it is also important to see the sthrength of the person when the detox or panchakarma is selected.

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Re: Detox

Post by Dmitry »

Dear Dr. Rohit,
as you mention there are 5 detox procedures.
please can you mention them .

how often is one advised to do a panchakarma?

Dr.Sandip Sawant
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Re: Detox

Post by Dr.Sandip Sawant »

5 Panchakarma Procedures are:-

1.Vaman-Therapeutic Vomitting
2.Virechana - Therapeutic Purgation
3.Basti- Therapeutic Enemas either with Oil or Herbal Decoction
4.Nasya-Therapeutic Nasal Instillation
5.Raktamoxan- Therapeutic Blood Letting

These are 5 main procedure done as treatment of Kapha, Pitta,Vata, Head d's & Blood related problems respectively.

These are specialized Treatments hence should be done under Qualified Ayurveda Doctor & Panchakarma expert.

Panchakarma can be done by both Healthy Individual as well as Diseased Person hence answer to your question on "frequency of Panchakarma procedures done" will vary, which i would like to clarify here-

For healthy individual first 3 procedures should be done once in a year to control & balance kapha, Pitta & vata respectively that too in specific time of the year.

Nasya can be done regularly & Raktamoxan as & when required.

Now, Panchakarma as a treatment for a specific disease has to be decided by competent Ayurveda Doctors & cen be repeated as many no. of times according to the Disease condition, for which thorough consultation is required.

We can write hundreds of pages on Panchakarma as it is a vast topic but here i hav tried to answer in brief & I hope i have answered your queries, any further queries will be appreciated.

Dr.Sandip Sawant

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Re: Detox

Post by jennimiller »

can we do all panchakarmas at a time ?
is there any specific indications?

Dr.Sandip Sawant
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Re: Detox

Post by Dr.Sandip Sawant »

Yes, we can do all Panchakarma at a time i.e. one followed by another.
There are Purvakarma(pre procedure), Main Procedure & then Post procedure for each panchakarma treatment hence if we go by the text then each Panchakarma requires minimum 15 days to complete.

For specific indications, please refer my earlier post where in i have clarified the indiacations of each panchakarma procedure.
If you want to ask for any particular disease then u can, most welcome.

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Re: Detox

Post by lone111 »

Dear Doctors,
can any1 perform enamas at home ?
i know doctors dont recommmend purgation to be alone. but would you recommend to take enemas or clesma . what would be the best for a enema.

looking forward for your answer.

Regards from canada.

Dr. Rohit
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Re: Detox

Post by Dr. Rohit »

Dear Lone,
yes you are right , usually we do not recommend panchakarma with out any ayurveda physician.

but enama or basti could be taken at home too.
usually at the clinics we have a special recipe that is used as basti or enema depeding on the body type.

but a person could take an oil enema sumtimes.( this would depend on his problems/ age / dosha etc.)

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Re: Detox

Post by jindi »

Thanks for info...

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Re: Detox

Post by ayur3112 »

ayur3112 wrote:
Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:23 pm
Detox is eliminating the toxins from the body and this toxin cleanses through liver , urine, sweat and feces. Several aspects of detox diets may aid your health. These include avoiding environmental toxins, exercising, eating nutritious food, drinking water, limiting stress, and relaxing.

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